Wednesday, 24 October 2018

It is what it is…eventually, at some point in your life, you will feel bad, you will go through some low moments. This might be too harsh for your ears to handle, but it is the reality you and I and everyone around us will face sooner or later. Everybody says that it all boils down to how you look at it and it makes sense. You can get over your suffering by seeing it just as another lesson you are gifted with, or you can see it as a joke that life pulls on you with no bad intention at all. There are several scenarios you can go through with your suffering, if you choose to, of course. However, the thing that all these alternatives have in common is that, no matter how you decide to deal with your low moments, you will have to go through them.
Avoiding bad thoughts, or the effects of some bad decisions you made or some people that you just don’t want to deal with is not going to work. At least, it will not work in your best interest, better said. As much as you force your entire system to ignore the negativity, you won’t get to remove it completely from your life. No matter how big of an effort you’ll put out there just to cover up the bad, it will eventually rise and bloom when you least expect it.
The fact of the matter is that your soul cannot hold too much of it, it has its limits. Throwing those bad thoughts, for instance, in the drawers of your heart, locking them up and throwing away the key won’t work either. They will grow and grow until they will basically break out of there.
Such thoughts are similar to those nasty weeds messing with our beautiful flowers. No matter what you do, they will still show up. You could turn to all sorts of special solutions to poison them, but these won’t do your flowers any good, right? So the healthiest and safest way to deal with them is to actually confront them and pull them out with your own bare hands.
This is exactly what you should do with those low moments life offers you from time to time. You have to go through them to get over them. There is no other way, anyway you’d choose to think about it. You just have to live them and let them fade away because this is what eventually happens: they toss you and they turn you on all sides until they get bored of you.
Now, if you have enough control over yourself and you can continue living your life with this negativity’s noise on the background, then you’re more than fine! We need to understand that bad thoughts, moments when we’re not at our best represent a significant part of our experience and we should never reject them. We cannot control them, but we can control our reaction toward them. We can decide what we’re going to do with these apparently bad gifts life has offered us because such gifts are the best teachers we’ll have.
So here’s an idea: next time you feel bad and stuck in front of an event taking you by surprise, just let it happen. Challenge yourself to see how far you can go with it. Get to feel it in its fullness and cry your tears, sleep on it as much as you feel like and eventually, have a good laugh about it. We only have one life to live and no matter what we do, we’re not getting out of it alive, as many other people have pointed out. So let that bad feeling fulfill its mission within you and be wise enough to get your lessons out of it! Don’t be afraid of it and don’t reject it because you’ll make it even more powerful. You can indeed make friends with your suffering.

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Why is it so difficult to leave aside that grumpy face that gives rise to the deepest wrinkles your skin can bare? It happens because you are a puppet! Yes, you are a puppet of your thoughts and of others’ opinions. You basically ignore what your heart tells you and you make your mind the queen which completely reigns over your entire kingdom. Now this would’ve been great, but the mind usually comes up with the cheekiest thoughts and if you’re not appropriately trained to manage them, they can easily throw you into the mud.

But what if you’d stop this foolishness and you’d start to admire the sky? Just stop and stare at it for a little while. It’s so beautiful and you have those two eyes to see it. Isn’t this something to be grateful for? Just think of all those people deprived of witnessing nature’s beauty and cursed to live in darkness. Be happy with those two eyes you have that serve you so many astonishing views from mother nature!
It’s hard to be happy sometimes because you forget to open your eyes and let them do what they do best: see the beautiful things around you. We are, indeed, surrounded by beauty and even when we’re too focused on what’s not working in our lives, it is still there, waiting to be admired by us. In fact, this is what beauty wants and needs: to be admired.
We’re bombarded from every side with the phrase: “Happiness is in the little things”. Nothing more true than that, but how do you actually get to see and feel that happiness existing in the little things? Well, just stop looking for it. The fact of the matter is that the more you struggle to find it, the smaller are the chances that you’ll actually achieve it.
It’s that path toward happiness that actually gives rise to good feelings and contentment. It’s those bumps in the road that can teach us the greatest lessons and once we get over them, the satisfaction filling our heart is priceless.
There may be several doors to go through until you arrive at your destination, which is happiness. This is what we all want, right? To be happy and content with our lives. Well, each of us will have a certain road to take and this is exactly what we should be focusing on. The solutions we’ll figure out on the road, the more we’ll get to know ourselves in all types of situations, either positive or negative and all types of behaviors we’ll get to witness, not only coming from us, but also from people around us…all these should comprise a unique blend of happiness, contentment and satisfaction that we get to experience variety in our lives.
So we have everything we need to be happy exactly under our nose. However, why is it so hard to be happy?

Friday, 12 October 2018

You know those words that keep popping in your head? It's that self-talk that you keep giving to yourself and, most of the time, you don't even acknowledge the immense impact it has on yourself. Every single word you tell yourself will, in some way or another, guide you towards feeling something, towards behaving in a certain way and you won't even notice it because it's all happening at a subconscious level.

The same is valid for every content that you let inside, like a movie or a book or a talk with somebody. Everything that you invite within will impact you and the sooner you understand this, the sooner you'll be able to properly build your life.

Self talk should be something you serve on a daily basis and you should go for the high quality one. Talk the good and positive talk, so that you can walk the right walk! If you make a mistake, don't beat yourself too much for it. Instead, you could say "Good for you! Another lesson to be learned!" This should be the attitude you have in every low moment because it is the only way that will help you get over it. Staying too much in the pool of guilt and regret will make you soak so much that you'll become heavier and heavier and moving forward will become extremely challenging.

So why don't you give this a try? For one whole week, surround yourself only with good, positive content. Also, if during that week, you'll go through a stressful situation, just bear with that initial feeling of anxiety, of frustration, but don't linger too much on it. This means that you should not switch it on all sides and overthink it because this is how you'll give it enough energy and power to keep messing with your head. Keep telling yourself that it will pass, that it is just a phase and later on you'll just laugh when remembering about it. Just try this for one whole week and see the effects.

Photo by Tim Foster on Unsplash

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Do you ever feel stuck? Do you ever feel like life weighs a ton and you have to carry it on your back all by yourself? This usually happens when the way you think and see the world no longer identifies with the times you're living in. Maybe you should consider deprogramming yourself from the way you were taught that life should be lived.

Since we are little kids, absorbing everything we see around us like sponges, in front of our eyes there is this movie we are, in some way or another, forced to watch. We cannot leave if we don't like it, but we have to watch it and what is even more frustrating is that we have to behave and think exactly as this movie shows us.

The main actors in this movie are our parents. They are the ones who, with the mental and material means they have at their disposal, teach us about life, after they too have been taught by their own parents to behave in a certain way. So humans teach humans and the whole process is not even close to perfection because perfect is only the creation of the mind. So, you should take into account the fact that maybe the way you've been taught to see the world might not be fit for what your soul truly needs.

We come into this world THROUGH our parents and they are a sort of filter which we have to go through in order to step into this world. In the whole process of going through this filter, there are high chances that we'll take with us some traits which are that genetic inheritance. 

But we can change the programming and we have to do it if we feel that we can no longer cope with life. There are chances that what you've been taught will not help you have a good experience in this life. You have to build that life that makes you feel content and you have all the skills to do it. You just have to do...

Photo by Michael Heuser on Unsplash

Friday, 5 October 2018

A letter to myself...

Dear Anca Gabriela,

I'm writing these lines just to let you know that I forgive you. I forgive you for all those years where you forgot about yourself and you've listened to what others had to say. You don't have to beat yourself up no more because I forgive you.

I forgive you for all those weak moments when you've acted under the authority of destructive feelings, such as jealousy or envy. You have a good soul, an unique one which has the sole purpose of not bothering others. This is exactly why, many times, you forgot about yourself just so that you don't get to bother other people. You've always stopped yourself each time you felt like you're better, more advanced than others, so that they don't feel inferior to you. I forgive you for all this time where you've covered yourself just so that you don't get to be seen in your whole splendor. 

I forgive you for all the situations where you've lost control with your loved one. You love him immensely, but he will never get to provide you with the happiness you want if you don't give it to yourself, first of all. I forgive you and I advise you to keep moving forward in this wonderful relationship, with ups and downs.

I forgive you for all the moments when you've lost it and you've blamed your parents for your misfortune. Only YOU can change your life, as your parents have nothing to do with this. They've done their best with all they knew back then. Have respect for them and love them just for who they are! You came into this world through them and you can create a different life!

I hope you'll have the power to keep on pushing yourself in order to continue this path of self-improvement that you've started. Don't give it up and do not let anything or anybody to stop you. You have within you an unthinkable power and your potential is limitless. Respect your being and keep on training your control until it will become your best friend. 

Never worry about those low days. They are the best lessons you'll get, so take full advantage of them, so that they don't take advantage of you and don't let them stop you from believing that you can, that you are worthy!

Anca-Gabriela, YOU are an amazing human being who will get to accomplish many wonderful things throughout this life! The best advice I can give you is to never stop! Have faith in whatever it is that your heart tells you and don't allow anything or anybody to disturb you!

I love you and I have faith in you!

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Are you really going to keep on suffering? Are you really going to keep on living outside of yourself? Because this is exactly what happens when we torture our soul with frustration and anger: we forget about ourselves and we surrender to whatever external aspect caused such negative feelings in the first place. Once we take a deep breath in and we become aware of our being, feeling grateful for the simple fact of being alive, all the negativity starts to dissipate. 

In fact, one cannot feel angry and grateful at the same time, right? Just fill yourself with all the gratitude your heart can feel because you are alive, you can breath and so, you can make something of this life. Yes, it's pretty bad to go through low moments, but just go through them and move on. If such hard times don't imply the loss of a loved one or an accident or a fatal disease, and you're just down due to something that somebody did to you or simply commented on you, you should shake yourself a little and acknowledge that these are just little bumps on your road towards greatness.

If you have a roof over your head and you have as much water at your disposal as possible, then you are fine! Think  about what your life would've been like if you had to sleep in the cold and be at the mercy of other people...not a pretty picture, right?

Always be grateful for everything you have and leave aside the small things, like a bad comment someone made about you or that you didn't find the shirt you wanted. Find your happiness in what truly nurtures your soul, like quality time spent with your loved ones, a walk in the park with your dog. But hey! If a good, quality shirt is something you're passionate about, go for it, but only if it really makes your heart vibrate in a good frequency.

Try to really acknowledge the place you're in in your life and ask yourself if it's really that bad. But be truthful! Is it really worth it to loose yourself for whatever it is that you're feeling down? You be the judge...but be an honest one! 

Photo by Kal Loftus on Unsplash

Sunday, 30 September 2018

This is the time to do! This is the moment to start becoming aware that you are alive and you have so many experiences waiting to be lived! Take a moment to breath in deeply. Did anybody charge you for that? Did you feel guilty for it? I dare to say that no, you didn't and this is because it's free. It was given to you as the fuel to survive, to keep living this life. You were gifted with it!

Did you do something to earn it? Did you put in some effort for it? No, you didn't, I dare to say. You just got it, for free. You were blessed to breath in and out the air. You were chosen to live! So why not truly experience this life and do whatever it is that you dream of? Why not go in that trip now? Why not tell that person that you love her? Why not get rid of the fear and courageously execute on everything you're thinking of? There must be a reason why you're thinking of doing certain things and it might be because you need to do them...just like that.

So laugh the laugh, live in the moment and give some love! Be polite and give a hand each time you have the chance!!

Photo by Danica Tanjutco on Unsplash

Friday, 28 September 2018

Friday Reminder: There are no limits to what you can create!

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Life is this wonderful experience which you are entitled to have, as something or somebody decided that you are worthy of it. Out of all the possibilities of a human being, you were chosen to walk around this world with a certain energy which your unique soul holds. You were offered a baggage filled with all sorts of tools, some good and some bad, but all of them were put at your disposal to be used whenever and however you want. These are feelings, these are psychological skills, such as patience, will, control, balance and so on and so forth.

Something or somebody decided that you are worthy to occupy a certain place in this world, like the perfect piece to complete a puzzle. You were given a specific role in this scene called life and nobody could never ever play it in your place.

You were created to feel certain feelings, to meet certain people and to go through certain experiences in order to gradually figure out what this life is all about. You were given the chance to have a unique trip on this planet Earth and it's all free of charge. come you're still sick and tired of this life?

Why would you ever curse your days just because things seem to go a little slow and not how you would like them to go? It's just a phase and this too shall pass. It's a part of your journey and you should experience it as it is because it has its specific role in your development. Just feel what ever comes to you, but never spend too much time in analyzing and finding solutions. You just have to feel it because it has been given to you as a gift of learning, of getting to know yourself more.

Think of pain: it is really unpleasant, but it will never go away if you keep tickling it, if you keep going back to it by either focusing too much on it, or even by talking about it with others. Let it happen and, when you least expect it, it will pass.

It's time to become aware of how lucky you are just to be here...

Photo by Jonathan Petersson on Unsplash

Monday, 24 September 2018

If you'd only knew what power lies within you...Just the power of one word can change your whole life experience. "To want"...does it sound familiar? Just by telling yourself, in the mirror, that you want to get up, that you want to be better, that you want...well, basically anything, and your mind will already become alert.

Now, just by talking to yourself in  the mirror won't be enough. You need to also do because anything that you want to do, you can do, if you just do! However, it's really important to choose the good, the sweet and the honest words to tell yourself. In the end, there may be way too many bad words coming from other frustrated souls, so you'd be a genuine masochist if you'd choose to load yourself with more verbal chaos.

This power you have within you, the word's one, is like a savage animal which you can tame in the most natural and easy way if only you give it some of your time and your energy. Just think about this: if a sole bad word has the capacity to simply break a heart, this must mean that there is a great power within that word, right? So, what if a good word can have the same power, but in a more positive way? Why not use also this ability?

Be pretentious, be selective and always choose the good and healing words to nurse your ears. Don't drown in the chaotic noise coming from others! You're more powerful than you think and this makes you a real magician who, with its rod, the word that is, can do wonders!

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Do you sometimes feel like others are throwing at you comments and nothing from what they're saying is bringing you any benefit? Well, just so you know, all this might be difficult to manage only because of you. What? Have you forgotten that you're the landlord? You're the one building chaos and you're the one to break it down, as well. You're the one creating frustration and you're the one removing it, as well.

Reality is that sometimes, if not all the time, we need to experience a little bit of tension, just to keep the soul balanced. However, you're in charge of this game called life. All the other people around you are just the pawns on your chessboard. Also, you're the Dj of all the sounds coming from them, as you can mix them as you please, just to not let them sour your heart.

These sounds are those "mighty" opinions coming from those around you who are basically thirsty to get all the good energy out of you. Most of the time, such stubborn sounds might wish to stay longer within your head, but, eventually, they'll have to bow to your orders when you'll tell them to leave.  Because you have the power to guide them to the exit door, if they may forget that guests come, but they also need to leave. This is the key: those comments are just guests, so treat them like so! Observe them, but have the righteous courage to invite them to leave.

All this is just a game, so play with everything you hear from the outside! Don't take everything you hear as rules according to which you should live! Take this life as a game and have some fun!

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Never judge others! It's true, we are built to immediately react as soon as we notice something completely different from anything that might not fit our programming, but, most of the time, it would be better to just hold back.

Even though the first impression always counts, it will not always show what is truly happening on the inside. This usually happens because most of the time either you're not showing everything there is within you or you're just putting out there what you actually shouldn't. Therefore everything boils down to controlling yourself and to being aware of the effects that what we let outside for others to see, can have.

You'd be entirely superficial if you'd choose to make an opinion only from what a first impression shows you. Even those who expose a superb appearance, happy and balanced, can, actually be broken inside. Reality is that you'll always form an opinion from just a first look at somebody else, but the key is to not become rigid in your thinking and take this first impression like the most suitable tool to discover another person.

Moreover, sharing an opinion about somebody else, built only on a first impression, would be completely senseless, especially if there is a hidden bad intention of mocking the person in question. Therefore, do not rush! Don't immediately point the finger at someone! Learn to explore more and deeper another person's universe and only afterwards give voice to your opinion!

Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Never stop using your imagination in order to paint that life you've always dreamed of! Use this tool because it can open some doors which, at a first sight, seemed completely locked for you. Let your creativity take you to new and unexplored places and notice any feeling you might get from this.

Take note of what gives you powerful emotions, excitement from anything you might imagine doing and guide your life towards it. At least, step on that ground. Who knows? Maybe you'll find a solid base on which you can build a new life to do what you like the most.

Don't lose yourself in the chaos which society is constantly trying to throw you in. Stay curious and always question everything that you might receive from the exterior. Don't just accept everything offered to you as rules according to which you should build your life.

Use this capacity of creating, of imagining a life over the limits that others are trying to put on you. Don't be afraid to create because there must be a solid reason why you have this tool at your disposal and it could be that YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING THAT YOU IMAGINE!

Photo by Júnior Ferreira on Unsplash

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Whatever it is that you're feeling, just let it be felt until it no longer has power! Whatever feeling that might pay your soul a visit, either if it is happiness or sorrow, feel it until it completely consumes itself. Do not allow not even a sole remain of a feeling to keep wondering within you, especially if it is a negative one.

Don't get stuck with useless and heavy baggage of feelings which will overwhelm your soul to the point where it will no longer have the power to carry it and it will basically throw it out when you least expect it. Give a voice to what you feel or maybe put it on a paper, but don't block them inside of you because it is not healthy. Get rid of them because the more you'll keep them captive in your heart, the sooner they'll become dictators chaotically making you live your life.

How much do you think your soul can carry such heavy luggage? It has its limit and you are responsible with respecting it, if you want to live in balance and out of chaos. Understand that you're a filter which a great variety of feelings go through and you should only keep what is important, like those valuable lessons a feeling of sorrow can teach you.

So let those feelings make a complete tour of your whole self, let them entirely consume themselves, without covering them up or throwing them in a hidden drawer of your soul. Say what you feel, speak those negative feelings out, as this is the only way your soul will get cleansed.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Never feel weird if you're not similar in what you are and in what you do with those around you! This life was given to you so that you can live it exactly as you feel. You are in charge and you can shape it as you wish. You are the sculptor and you have the power and even the responsibility to create it as you wish.

This is your charm: the whole amount of differences between you and the others. Guard your originality because this is your plus factor. Why don't you be the "weirdo" who brings something new into the scene? So what if there weren't others who've made the decisions you made? You be the first to do them! There's a place for everybody in this world...even for the "weirdo" within you.

Moreover, there's a special place specifically created for you in this world and nobody would fit in it like you would. Just make peace with the idea of you, exactly as you are, with everything you have. You have something which is only yours and even though you might constantly try to cover yourself up, at some point, when you least expect it, you'll come out, just like grass does when spring comes.

You have a fire within you which is always burning and even though there will be moments when it will be dull, it will still be there. In your irrelevant attempt to put it out because you're letting yourself guided by others' noise, the fire within will continue to burn. If you keep ignoring it, you'll get to a point in your life when you'll basically feel frustrated because something burns inside of you, but you don't have enough courage to deal with use it, better said.

Make it your friend and don't try to explain it to others. Just accept it as it is because it's exactly what you need. 

Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash

Monday, 17 September 2018

Do something new each day! It's not about doing bungee jumping one day and in another swim with the sharks. Even the small things matter, like making a detour from your usual way to work, or inviting that old neighbor for a walk. It's really healthy to taste different dishes from the great menu that life has to offer. This is how you'll help your brain to do the one thing it loves doing, which is exploring new content.

Give yourself the opportunity, each day, to live new scenarios in the movie of your life. Put yourself in new  and different situations because this is the only way to know yourself better. You have no idea what amazing things you could discover about yourself!

Give yourself permission to step on new territories each day, even though you might do it only with your mind, by learning new things, as playing the guitar or the piano. Use every single day of your life because that's why you've been gifted with them in the first place.

Don't bury yourself up in a routine where time passes by and you don't even notice it.You might reach a point in your life where you'll most likely regret not doing more. So don't be afraid to change the music which you dance on each day. You might discover that you have some pretty awesome dancing moves!

Photo by Sammie Vasquez on Unsplash

Sunday, 16 September 2018

There's no such thing as perfection, if by this you understand living a life filled only with good and beauty. It's not healthy to focus on reaching perfection, whatever this may mean to you, because the only thing you'll accomplish is overwhelming yourself with heavy thoughts and feelings of frustration for not getting where you want. In fact, you can't reach that perfect destination you set your mind to because we were not created to be perfect, but we were built to live a great variety of moments and feelings, either good or bad, because this is the only way to develop yourself, to evolve.

You can reach better levels in your life, but they'll never be perfect, and this is just fine! That perfection you're so eagerly trying to achieve, by constantly and irrelevantly pushing yourself, is just a story, but life is pure and raw reality, filled with both positive and negative experiences. This reality will bring you beautiful stories which will always be balanced by other more grey and low moments which are only apparently the frightening ones.

In fact, these low moments are those so needed trampolines that will propel you into a more advanced stage of your life, but this will never be not even near the perfection stories present to you and so, you'll bump into other trampolines. If you decide to use them in order to jump higher and higher, you'll keep on moving forward and so on and so forth.

This exact constant jump from one type of experience to another will help you live a real, an authentic perfection which is a fine blend between good and bad. This should be the perfection that you're seeking in your trip on this planet, as it is the only one that will help you live to the fullest!

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Friday, 14 September 2018

Stop sabotaging yourself with scary and senseless thoughts! Stop worrying now for a future moment which you can only imagine how it will be. Where's the logic in having imaginary worries about an imaginary moment from a future which you cannot outguess?

Of course, you can think about it, you can make a plan for it, you can take the necessary steps in order to prepare it as you wish, but worrying about it will always bring you trouble. It's like you'll cover your eyes with a dark curtain and you won't be able to experience the wonderful present around you.

When you're anxious about what might happen in the future, you're actually being anxious at the thought of what negative scenarios your mind is able to create. In fact, this is what happens each time you worry: you're creating possible negative scenarios about a future which you have no idea about. But why pick the negative, instead of the positive? Why not create a positive scenario for this uncertain future? You'd have nothing to loose because the future will be what it will be, as it represents a result of the actions you take now.

If you do good here, now, then there will be high chances to do good there, then, in your future. Understand that you're the only one getting in your way and that nobody has the ability to stop you. All those worries messing up with your head are your creation in that macabre and unconscious attempt to sabotage yourself. Let go of the chains and set yourself free to reach higher and higher levels in your life that awaits you with its arms wide open! 

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Life is a roller coaster and you can feel pretty dizzy at times. In fact, we all get to a point where we're feeling overwhelmed and like we're not walking on sunshine anymore. But if we put on those glasses with those fine lenses showing us what we want to see, we're just fine. And we all have such glasses at our disposal, but so few of us choose to use them. Why is that? If you have them, you might as well just use them, right? They're free of charge and you have all-time access to them.

At any moment in life, you can change the narrative because you are the author of your story! You have a great variety of resources to help you live to the fullest.

Here's an idea! What if you'd have a cocktail made with the best ingredients, like patience, determination, control and compassion? Have one each evening and don't be greedy; add as much as possible from each ingredient, but never put too much of only one of them because you might end up with a bad taste. Reality is that you can't use perfectly equal amounts of each ingredient, but you can however find a balance if you focus a little.

A good life needs a little bit of each: some patience, some determination, some control and some compassion. Just mix them well and take a sip each time you feel lost. Moreover, when you're confident that you found the right recipe, share it with those around you; who knows? You might save a soul...

Photo by Daniel Horvath on Unsplash

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Success won't pick you depending on the area you're coming from or depending on the way you look! Success will choose you if you'll show up like a disciplined individual, who is able to wisely manage his focus. You accomplishing stuff will only depend on what you will DO with all the resources you have at your disposal, and not on the fact that you'll just talk about it.

It's true, talking about what you want to accomplish helps, but if you don't glaze it with some concise action, focused on the path leading you to the goal you've set for your life, you'll remain blocked, chained in a place which brings you no satisfaction, because you want more, right?

Accomplishing what you dream of is a complex process, it's a tough journey and you might fall in the excuse hole, as a way of explaining why you're not advancing towards your destination. But you should stop complaining and making up irrelevant excuses and pointing to others for your lack of commitment and determination. You should know already that you are in charge of this life which is just waiting for you to guide it, to give it directions towards that superior and improved level you dream of reaching.

Nowadays, you are basically surrounded by this statement, that you own your life, but still, you are complaining and you're perfectly playing the victim role. In fact, you should get an Oscar for it!

Understand that you are in charge of your existence and if you were to point at someone, then you should definitely point at yourself! This may be difficult to digest, but it's the truth!

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

We all have to struggle with some sort of addiction in our lives and it's not necessarily about drugs and alcohol. In fact, an addiction can even be the simple fact that you're turning to a certain behavior on a constant basis, like aggressively reacting to what other people comment. This too can be called an addiction as long as you're doing it on a regular basis and the outcomes coming from it end up hurting you. You might feel that it brings a temporary pleasure, as it's nurtures your famished ego, but on a long term, it doesn't do you any good.

Always complaining and parading your victim hood can also be called an addiction, as you can get so caught up in it that it becomes like a daily practice which you feel you cannot miss on. You reach a point where you simply find comfort in crying for others' pity and being a victim becomes like a statement for your life.

Like with any other addiction, you can get rid of it. You have to put in a lot of work, but with tons of patience and determination, you can get rid of any behavioral addiction darkening your experience in this life you've been gifted with. Impulsively reacting to any comment others might make regarding your person can be removed from your system, if you truly understand that others' words will never count in how you need to live your life. Playing the victim role all the time can be something you can get rid of if you understand that acting like this will only put a dark curtain on your eyes and you won't be able to see that there is something more to this life than just the pity parties you've been throwing so far.

Addictions are tough, but they can be wisely handled to the point where you can even get completely rid of them. Understand that you are in control and you can end up all the negative cycles taking place in your life. You just have to fully acknowledge that you don't deserve such bad consequences to shape your life and so, you need to focus on living without depending on anything and anybody.

Tattoo your brain with setting yourself free from any addictive behavior which doesn't do you any justice! Treat yourself better!

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash


Monday, 10 September 2018

When you're sick and tired of where you are now, in your life, this might be the sign that some changes need to be made and it all starts with you! Everybody's telling you this, but still, you are where you are and nothing seems to go the way you want it to go. You keep complaining, you keep beating yourself up for making the wrong decisions that brought you here, in this, what do you do? You change, you make new decisions, you build a new life.

But maybe you're not that tired to be in the mud. Maybe you are not that tired of feeling like everything is working against you. Maybe you are not that tired of always being sick and tired. Maybe you still need to feel like this until your whole system crashes at such a level that you'll have to act and do something.

It's pretty comforting to complain and basically, acknowledge what your life is all about because complaining is exactly this: making statements about all the trouble you're going through and it doesn't serve you at all. You are just simply wasting valuable energy in talking about your issues, instead of using that strength to figure out ways to get out of the hole you're stuck in.

Why not put your whole energy in actions that will bring you those outcomes, as pillars for sustaining the great life you are privileged to live: a new and improved life, lead by a new and refreshed you!

So, are you tired enough already?

Photo by Caju Gomes on Unsplash

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Your life's purpose is everywhere, in everything and in everybody! Maybe you've been taught to look for meaning only in the practical things you experience, like work or love. When you act and you reach successful outcomes, you feel that you've found your meaning, your purpose and it makes sense, right?

But have you ever thought that maybe you can find meaning in those apparently meaningless moments? When you're feeling low and when the storm you're going through seems like it will never pass, hook on meaning! Clench on what pain is trying to show you! Use your suffering to propel yourself into a whole different and improved phase of your life!

When you're in pain and you feel like you're out of any other resources to change the situation, maybe this is a sign that you're the one who needs to change. This is precisely the lesson those low moments are trying to teach you, this is the meaning within them!

It's true, you won't see it from the very beginning, as it is not that visible, but if you look a little closer, you'll most likely see meaning bloom and opening the door to the next level in your existence. Ultimately, life is constantly changing, it brings new challenges which you need to adequately face if you want to move forward and you need to keep up with everything!

New situations require new attitudes, new ideas, new keystones. And here comes into the scene the meaning pain can provide you with. When you're down there, in the dark corners of your suffering, keep those eyes opened, so that you don't miss the sign telling you that it's time for your entire being to change old beliefs, old behaviors and so on and so forth.

Think of suffering and pain like a free lesson that you're gifted with, as the new life you're being pushed towards to requires you to change, to let go of the old you which will never be able to keep up with this new life rhythm.

Even when you don't want to see it, the meaning of life is there, somewhere, but it's's everywhere!

Friday, 7 September 2018

Don't force relationships! Don't become a burden for others to carry! If others will feel that your presence is needed, then they will ask for it. You can't just force people to be with you if they don't truly feel this.

Most of the time, this need of yours to keep people as close as possible can be very well translated as a cry for help. You are not enough for yourself and so you need other people to bring you the feeling of being alive. Socializing is extremely healthy, but only if you do it in the right way, as in this closure being wanted by both parts.

First and foremost, you need to fill yourself up, you need to be able to sit with yourself, with both the good and the bad parts. Only after you'll be fully aware of what you represent and that you are the best presence for yourself, you'll be able to have healthy human contact.

Actually, you can have social contact whenever you want, but do it in the most natural way, without resisting any refusal you might get. Not everybody has to like you and has to need your presence and this is fine!

This is how your system is built: to need certain things and, most importantly, certain people. You are built in such a way that you need only the presence of certain people and, on the same thinking pattern, you need to be liked only by some souls. No matter what you do and how much effort you put out there, you will never get to convince all people to "buy" what you're selling, yourself that is. And this happens precisely because they don't need you. This doesn't mean that you're less worthy of this life just because some people didn't receive you with arms wide open.

It's most natural for things to happen like this! The moment you start forcing relationships and you push yourself in doing something that's entirely unnatural, you will, most certainly, feel the effects which won't be very pleasant. Not everybody has to like you and this is just fine!

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Don't hold yourself a prisoner to some mistake you've done in the past! It makes no sense to keep your heart trapped in the same feelings, as now you're in a completely different place in your life.

Any mistake you make is just an exam which, even though you've failed at, represents an important lesson to help you open the door to a new and improved life.

We all make mistakes, sooner or later because nobody's perfect. You can't just constantly keep your guard up, by always choosing the right thing to say and the right  thing to do. You're not a robot!

In fact, you sometimes need those mistakes, like bad decisions or some words you just put out there without thinking them through. This is the only way you'll get access to deeper layers of your mind while you're trying to figure out solutions to make things right again. It's like life gives you the chance to knock on several doors until one opens and gives you access to a new part of your life.

Actually, this is what life is all about: a duality of negative and positive. You need both because you would, most certainly, not be able to survive only with the good, basically numb by all comfort's pleasure. Maybe you'd become bored because feeling well all the time is not necessarily the key to living the good life.

You need those moments requiring you to use your mind, to use your body because this is how you'll keep on properly functioning. The more you use them, the better your whole system will work and trying to solve an issue a mistake you did lead to, is the perfect occasion.

Therefore, it's not worth it to focus too much on a past's mistake. Of course, you acknowledge it, you learn your lessons and you move forward. And who knows? You might figure out that it wasn't a mistake after all...

Photo by Maulana on Unsplash