Sunday, 16 September 2018

There's no such thing as perfection, if by this you understand living a life filled only with good and beauty. It's not healthy to focus on reaching perfection, whatever this may mean to you, because the only thing you'll accomplish is overwhelming yourself with heavy thoughts and feelings of frustration for not getting where you want. In fact, you can't reach that perfect destination you set your mind to because we were not created to be perfect, but we were built to live a great variety of moments and feelings, either good or bad, because this is the only way to develop yourself, to evolve.

You can reach better levels in your life, but they'll never be perfect, and this is just fine! That perfection you're so eagerly trying to achieve, by constantly and irrelevantly pushing yourself, is just a story, but life is pure and raw reality, filled with both positive and negative experiences. This reality will bring you beautiful stories which will always be balanced by other more grey and low moments which are only apparently the frightening ones.

In fact, these low moments are those so needed trampolines that will propel you into a more advanced stage of your life, but this will never be not even near the perfection stories present to you and so, you'll bump into other trampolines. If you decide to use them in order to jump higher and higher, you'll keep on moving forward and so on and so forth.

This exact constant jump from one type of experience to another will help you live a real, an authentic perfection which is a fine blend between good and bad. This should be the perfection that you're seeking in your trip on this planet, as it is the only one that will help you live to the fullest!

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

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