Monday, 10 September 2018

When you're sick and tired of where you are now, in your life, this might be the sign that some changes need to be made and it all starts with you! Everybody's telling you this, but still, you are where you are and nothing seems to go the way you want it to go. You keep complaining, you keep beating yourself up for making the wrong decisions that brought you here, in this, what do you do? You change, you make new decisions, you build a new life.

But maybe you're not that tired to be in the mud. Maybe you are not that tired of feeling like everything is working against you. Maybe you are not that tired of always being sick and tired. Maybe you still need to feel like this until your whole system crashes at such a level that you'll have to act and do something.

It's pretty comforting to complain and basically, acknowledge what your life is all about because complaining is exactly this: making statements about all the trouble you're going through and it doesn't serve you at all. You are just simply wasting valuable energy in talking about your issues, instead of using that strength to figure out ways to get out of the hole you're stuck in.

Why not put your whole energy in actions that will bring you those outcomes, as pillars for sustaining the great life you are privileged to live: a new and improved life, lead by a new and refreshed you!

So, are you tired enough already?

Photo by Caju Gomes on Unsplash

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