Monday, 24 September 2018

If you'd only knew what power lies within you...Just the power of one word can change your whole life experience. "To want"...does it sound familiar? Just by telling yourself, in the mirror, that you want to get up, that you want to be better, that you want...well, basically anything, and your mind will already become alert.

Now, just by talking to yourself in  the mirror won't be enough. You need to also do because anything that you want to do, you can do, if you just do! However, it's really important to choose the good, the sweet and the honest words to tell yourself. In the end, there may be way too many bad words coming from other frustrated souls, so you'd be a genuine masochist if you'd choose to load yourself with more verbal chaos.

This power you have within you, the word's one, is like a savage animal which you can tame in the most natural and easy way if only you give it some of your time and your energy. Just think about this: if a sole bad word has the capacity to simply break a heart, this must mean that there is a great power within that word, right? So, what if a good word can have the same power, but in a more positive way? Why not use also this ability?

Be pretentious, be selective and always choose the good and healing words to nurse your ears. Don't drown in the chaotic noise coming from others! You're more powerful than you think and this makes you a real magician who, with its rod, the word that is, can do wonders!

Photo by Kristopher Roller on Unsplash

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