Thursday, 13 September 2018

Life is a roller coaster and you can feel pretty dizzy at times. In fact, we all get to a point where we're feeling overwhelmed and like we're not walking on sunshine anymore. But if we put on those glasses with those fine lenses showing us what we want to see, we're just fine. And we all have such glasses at our disposal, but so few of us choose to use them. Why is that? If you have them, you might as well just use them, right? They're free of charge and you have all-time access to them.

At any moment in life, you can change the narrative because you are the author of your story! You have a great variety of resources to help you live to the fullest.

Here's an idea! What if you'd have a cocktail made with the best ingredients, like patience, determination, control and compassion? Have one each evening and don't be greedy; add as much as possible from each ingredient, but never put too much of only one of them because you might end up with a bad taste. Reality is that you can't use perfectly equal amounts of each ingredient, but you can however find a balance if you focus a little.

A good life needs a little bit of each: some patience, some determination, some control and some compassion. Just mix them well and take a sip each time you feel lost. Moreover, when you're confident that you found the right recipe, share it with those around you; who knows? You might save a soul...

Photo by Daniel Horvath on Unsplash

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