Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Whatever it is that you're feeling, just let it be felt until it no longer has power! Whatever feeling that might pay your soul a visit, either if it is happiness or sorrow, feel it until it completely consumes itself. Do not allow not even a sole remain of a feeling to keep wondering within you, especially if it is a negative one.

Don't get stuck with useless and heavy baggage of feelings which will overwhelm your soul to the point where it will no longer have the power to carry it and it will basically throw it out when you least expect it. Give a voice to what you feel or maybe put it on a paper, but don't block them inside of you because it is not healthy. Get rid of them because the more you'll keep them captive in your heart, the sooner they'll become dictators chaotically making you live your life.

How much do you think your soul can carry such heavy luggage? It has its limit and you are responsible with respecting it, if you want to live in balance and out of chaos. Understand that you're a filter which a great variety of feelings go through and you should only keep what is important, like those valuable lessons a feeling of sorrow can teach you.

So let those feelings make a complete tour of your whole self, let them entirely consume themselves, without covering them up or throwing them in a hidden drawer of your soul. Say what you feel, speak those negative feelings out, as this is the only way your soul will get cleansed.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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