Saturday, 20 October 2018

Why is it so difficult to leave aside that grumpy face that gives rise to the deepest wrinkles your skin can bare? It happens because you are a puppet! Yes, you are a puppet of your thoughts and of others’ opinions. You basically ignore what your heart tells you and you make your mind the queen which completely reigns over your entire kingdom. Now this would’ve been great, but the mind usually comes up with the cheekiest thoughts and if you’re not appropriately trained to manage them, they can easily throw you into the mud.

But what if you’d stop this foolishness and you’d start to admire the sky? Just stop and stare at it for a little while. It’s so beautiful and you have those two eyes to see it. Isn’t this something to be grateful for? Just think of all those people deprived of witnessing nature’s beauty and cursed to live in darkness. Be happy with those two eyes you have that serve you so many astonishing views from mother nature!
It’s hard to be happy sometimes because you forget to open your eyes and let them do what they do best: see the beautiful things around you. We are, indeed, surrounded by beauty and even when we’re too focused on what’s not working in our lives, it is still there, waiting to be admired by us. In fact, this is what beauty wants and needs: to be admired.
We’re bombarded from every side with the phrase: “Happiness is in the little things”. Nothing more true than that, but how do you actually get to see and feel that happiness existing in the little things? Well, just stop looking for it. The fact of the matter is that the more you struggle to find it, the smaller are the chances that you’ll actually achieve it.
It’s that path toward happiness that actually gives rise to good feelings and contentment. It’s those bumps in the road that can teach us the greatest lessons and once we get over them, the satisfaction filling our heart is priceless.
There may be several doors to go through until you arrive at your destination, which is happiness. This is what we all want, right? To be happy and content with our lives. Well, each of us will have a certain road to take and this is exactly what we should be focusing on. The solutions we’ll figure out on the road, the more we’ll get to know ourselves in all types of situations, either positive or negative and all types of behaviors we’ll get to witness, not only coming from us, but also from people around us…all these should comprise a unique blend of happiness, contentment and satisfaction that we get to experience variety in our lives.
So we have everything we need to be happy exactly under our nose. However, why is it so hard to be happy?

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