Friday, 5 October 2018

A letter to myself...

Dear Anca Gabriela,

I'm writing these lines just to let you know that I forgive you. I forgive you for all those years where you forgot about yourself and you've listened to what others had to say. You don't have to beat yourself up no more because I forgive you.

I forgive you for all those weak moments when you've acted under the authority of destructive feelings, such as jealousy or envy. You have a good soul, an unique one which has the sole purpose of not bothering others. This is exactly why, many times, you forgot about yourself just so that you don't get to bother other people. You've always stopped yourself each time you felt like you're better, more advanced than others, so that they don't feel inferior to you. I forgive you for all this time where you've covered yourself just so that you don't get to be seen in your whole splendor. 

I forgive you for all the situations where you've lost control with your loved one. You love him immensely, but he will never get to provide you with the happiness you want if you don't give it to yourself, first of all. I forgive you and I advise you to keep moving forward in this wonderful relationship, with ups and downs.

I forgive you for all the moments when you've lost it and you've blamed your parents for your misfortune. Only YOU can change your life, as your parents have nothing to do with this. They've done their best with all they knew back then. Have respect for them and love them just for who they are! You came into this world through them and you can create a different life!

I hope you'll have the power to keep on pushing yourself in order to continue this path of self-improvement that you've started. Don't give it up and do not let anything or anybody to stop you. You have within you an unthinkable power and your potential is limitless. Respect your being and keep on training your control until it will become your best friend. 

Never worry about those low days. They are the best lessons you'll get, so take full advantage of them, so that they don't take advantage of you and don't let them stop you from believing that you can, that you are worthy!

Anca-Gabriela, YOU are an amazing human being who will get to accomplish many wonderful things throughout this life! The best advice I can give you is to never stop! Have faith in whatever it is that your heart tells you and don't allow anything or anybody to disturb you!

I love you and I have faith in you!

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