Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Do you ever feel stuck? Do you ever feel like life weighs a ton and you have to carry it on your back all by yourself? This usually happens when the way you think and see the world no longer identifies with the times you're living in. Maybe you should consider deprogramming yourself from the way you were taught that life should be lived.

Since we are little kids, absorbing everything we see around us like sponges, in front of our eyes there is this movie we are, in some way or another, forced to watch. We cannot leave if we don't like it, but we have to watch it and what is even more frustrating is that we have to behave and think exactly as this movie shows us.

The main actors in this movie are our parents. They are the ones who, with the mental and material means they have at their disposal, teach us about life, after they too have been taught by their own parents to behave in a certain way. So humans teach humans and the whole process is not even close to perfection because perfect is only the creation of the mind. So, you should take into account the fact that maybe the way you've been taught to see the world might not be fit for what your soul truly needs.

We come into this world THROUGH our parents and they are a sort of filter which we have to go through in order to step into this world. In the whole process of going through this filter, there are high chances that we'll take with us some traits which are that genetic inheritance. 

But we can change the programming and we have to do it if we feel that we can no longer cope with life. There are chances that what you've been taught will not help you have a good experience in this life. You have to build that life that makes you feel content and you have all the skills to do it. You just have to do...

Photo by Michael Heuser on Unsplash

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