Friday, 24 August 2018

From time to time, you should turn to your mind and check on it. You might need to dust it off a little...

This world we're living in is filled with all sorts of temptations which can easily dirt your mind with irrelevant content, senseless ideas. This space should always be kept for those thoughts which have the great potential of propelling you to a whole higher level in your life.

However, it's natural to forget about cleansing your mind's space...we're bombarded with poisonous information from every side. At some point, we can become completely overwhelmed and loosing control over what does and doesn't come into our heads is highly probable.

So we need to always remember about our mind and tidy it up from time to time. It just needs some instructions, some guidance from our part because this is what it was built for: to be shaped, sculpted on our terms.

Nothing is perfect in this world and neither your relationship with your mind is. But you can work on it whenever you want and feel like. You just have to pay some attention to it...

In fact, this is exactly what it needs: some of your time and some of your attention. So don't be tight-fisted and show your mind that you care!

Photo by Shelby Miller on Unsplash

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