Friday, 31 August 2018

                          Just a reminder...

Don't fear change! It's pretty uncomfortable, that's entirely true, but this exact small new and outlandish storm will push you forward and never backwards. Why am I saying "small storm"? Because you will, indeed go through some winds of change, once you step into something new and completely different from your previous life, but you'll eventually adapt.

That's the wonderful thing about our whole human system: it has a remarkable adaptation capacity. No matter how shocking and chaotic change might be in the very beginning, in the shortest time you'll get used to the new, which will, at some point, become the old and so on. It's a cycle and once you understand this, that life is like a marathon getting you from old to new and so on and so forth, you'll significantly better deal with change.

Always keep this in mind: the thing that is now NEW will eventually become OLD. Just repeat this in your head every time you're about to face change and add some feeling of relaxation and trust to it. When you're saying this to yourself, go into that state of being completely comfortable with the circumstance. Feel as if you're already there, in that moment where change is no longer making you anxious and tensed.

By constantly repeating to yourself that change is good, that everything will be fine, and by also putting your heart in it, you'll make your brain get used to that particular positive state. No matter if things will turn out your way or not, the key is that you can train your brain to receive change with arms wide open, relaxed and without feeling threatened by it.

Therefore, embrace change and, moreover, ask for might have something truly valuable to learn from it.

Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash


Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Clean your whole being and the place where you choose to live! Organize yourself in such a way that you can establish a balance between your inner self and the exterior.

You can start with the outside. Tidy up your clothes, the room where you sleep. Get rid of every old thing that simply doesn't fit no more in your life. Never attach to things, but to people, to experiences!

Don't suffocate your home with all sorts of useless things, but populate it only with what you truly need and with what pleases your soul.

Organize your environment, so that it will be much easier to organize yourself!

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Always be prepared to learn something from anything you get to live! In any given situation, be an apprentice and open your mind towards admitting that you do not know everything. Your whole life is a constant learning process which implies accumulating as much information as you can. 

Apply this strategy of always being an apprentice if you truly wish to become more, to develop into a higher version of yourself. Understand that there is a lesson anywhere you look and you have the privilege to take each of them...they're free of charge!

Make a habit out of learning something new each day...either it's just a single new word or a single new information regarding this world we're living it every single day. Nurture your brain with new information, surprise it with innovation because this is how you'll keep it alive.

Don't suffocate it with mediocre stories about superficial people and their lost lives! Such content will only keep you away from seeing what life is truly all about. Instead, feed your brain with that content that can only open more doors for you because this world we're living in has plenty doors that are just waiting to be opened.

So learn...learn as much as you can from this life which is like a huge library filled with the most rich and adventurous books! And guess what? They're all free and just waiting for you to read each and every single one of them!

Never stop learning...

Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Monday, 27 August 2018

Appreciate every moment, every place you're in, every person you get to hang out with! There may be times when you'll feel like it's too hard to do this because you're too upset and overwhelmed by the rhythm in which life invites you to live it, but you need to push yourself out of this victim pose. It doesn't look good on you and all it does is bring you bad vibes.

You need to force it a little in order to free yourself from those chains that frustration has put on you! Think of it like that time when you were little, in the water, trying to push a ball to the bottom. It was hard, right? However, it was not impossible and you would eventually do it.

Now, you shouldn't bury those bad feelings because they will eventually come to light, even more intense than ever before. You should just try to at least put them on hold and appreciate when life gives you some sunshine during the storm. Because life has this great trait of surprising us when we least expect it.

After you'll fully feel gratitude for the good that life offers you, you can go back to digesting that frustration, that bad feeling, because it's not healthy to ignore it. Just let it consume itself until it no longer has the energy to control you. In fact, this bad feeling wouldn't even be there, in your heart and mind, if you wouldn't allow it to. So YOU control it, so that it doesn't control you!

Guide it in such a way that it doesn't stop you from appreciating those beautiful moments that life serves you even during the chaos!

Photo by maxime caron on Unsplash

Sunday, 26 August 2018

You're so lucky to be alive! For us, humans, life is the most grand thing which we can posses. At least, it should be...

Until other discoveries, you have this life as that pot filled with gold which you have full access to. You can use how much of it as you desire and nobody will ever be entitled to ask you why. Well, there will be some people acting like they do have the permission to question you about your life, but they're just too lost in figuring out what their existence is all about. So don't mind them! Your life is YOURS and you decide!

And the most important and sometimes really underrated aspect is that life is constantly with you. Even though sometimes you might completely ignore it, as you're too caught up in victimizing yourself in frustration, even though sometimes you might accuse it of not being as you'd like it to be, it keeps on being with you, all around you...

The fact of the matter is that life is only waiting for you to make a decision and start giving it guidance. Life is extremely thirsty for your indications, or better yet, orders. Life is just waiting to be lived!

But it only gives you one chance, so make the best out of it, appreciate it and use it!

Photo by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash

Friday, 24 August 2018

From time to time, you should turn to your mind and check on it. You might need to dust it off a little...

This world we're living in is filled with all sorts of temptations which can easily dirt your mind with irrelevant content, senseless ideas. This space should always be kept for those thoughts which have the great potential of propelling you to a whole higher level in your life.

However, it's natural to forget about cleansing your mind's space...we're bombarded with poisonous information from every side. At some point, we can become completely overwhelmed and loosing control over what does and doesn't come into our heads is highly probable.

So we need to always remember about our mind and tidy it up from time to time. It just needs some instructions, some guidance from our part because this is what it was built for: to be shaped, sculpted on our terms.

Nothing is perfect in this world and neither your relationship with your mind is. But you can work on it whenever you want and feel like. You just have to pay some attention to it...

In fact, this is exactly what it needs: some of your time and some of your attention. So don't be tight-fisted and show your mind that you care!

Photo by Shelby Miller on Unsplash

Thursday, 23 August 2018

Love is the most precious gift, but it can hurt you if you don't control it! Fill your heart with healthy and balanced love first and foremost for yourself, so that afterwards you can give it forward to another soul.

Don't let yourself caught up by those temptations dictating that you should let love completely guide any move you make. Add some reason to your recipe! It will balance it and you won't become its slave.

When you love, give space not just for your partner, but also for yourself! Don't become an oppressive leader because love is not about possessing and commanding, it's about creating a constant motion of beautiful and balanced feelings between the two of you.

Patience, respect and moderation should be like some colorful balloons which you'll walk from one to the other, with slow, flowing and unforced movements.

Just let love flow between the two of you in the most natural and suave way...this is the key.

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Wednesday, 22 August 2018

Keep on dreaming...always! Never give up on using your imagination to create the life you truly desire to live.

Dreams are like some shoves that life sometimes gives us, as a sign that we can do more, we can be more and we can have more. There must be a reason why we were born with this capacity...of dreaming.

You've been offered this important tool which, if you use it wisely, it can propel you to a whole higher level. Therefore dream, but not just at night! Be a day dreamer and step by step, start acting towards making those dreams a reality!

Maybe some people won't understand why you're dreaming what you're dreaming, but don't mind them! Just put all your faith in your dreams if they make your heart vibrate. This may be the most relevant sign that you should move towards making them come true.

So be bold and let your mind create the biggest dreams because this might be your call for starting that life you were actually created to experience...

Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Patience...a magical ingredient that can transform you! You need to fill yourself up with all the patience that you can because you need it in everything you do.

Don't expect immediate results.Everything requires time and patience. Reality is that you and I and we all want to reach our destination as fast as possible and we're naively thinking that there, we will find the pick of our happiness, awaiting. However, that happiness cannot even be compared with the satisfaction and contentment we get to feel, if we allow ourselves to enjoy the process, the road we walk on until we reach a certain goal.

Any little victory we get on this road is extremely important and it can help us become more aware of how well we're doing. Therefore enjoy every step of the journey you're going through until you reach your desired destination. Put patience first, always and just see how greatly everything changes around you, how everything goes upwards!

Photo by Deniz Altindas on Unsplash

Monday, 20 August 2018

Fear can be your most precious comrade in this journey called life! Don't resist it and try to understand that you can use it to reach certain areas in your existence, ones that you never even dreamed about.

Fear is that signal that your whole gives you and is trying to tell you either to change something, or to remain where you are because there's more for you to learn.

You shouldn't see it as something bad, even though this is what we were thought to think. Actually, when you're afraid, this means that you've already stepped into an uncomfortable place, either mentally or physically. And this place, which makes you afraid, is the exact spot where you can change, where you can make one step forward in this magical process of re-creating yourself, of developing your whole being in order to become a better version of yourself.

Now, it's all up to you to decide whether you take this fear by the hand and you continue to explore this new frightening and uncomfortable place, or you simply remain blocked in your comfort bubble...

Photo by Ian Froome on Unsplash

Sunday, 19 August 2018

Who says that you can't live as you wish? What sense does it make to guide your life after what others are saying, if this doesn't make you happy?

Each of us feel, in our own hearts, the way we should be living our lives...we have that inner voice whispering, from time to time, where should we go to. We need to calm down from this agitated and chaotic life style society has dictated us to live by and just be with ourselves....this is how we'll be able to hear that voice within.

In fact, we are created with this amazing guidance mechanism which tells us where to go in our life, but we have to listen to it. Our body, our heart will always show us what we need and don't need. We just have to not resist what we feel and what our body tells us to do. We have to listen to our own voice!

So let's choose our own music which we'll dance on in this life and let us never feel bad about it! Each of us was created for a certain music and for a certain dance which are not to be understood by everybody! So don't shape yourself on others' terms and be who you were created to be!

Photo by @oanagoanga

Saturday, 18 August 2018

Pain is uncomfortable, but it is extremely valuable! It can offer you so many lessons, that you can get to know yourself like you never even dreamed about.

Suffering is a way to fill up your mental luggage with strategies, ideas that can basically project you at a completely different, higher level in your life.

In fact, it's natural to think and see life differently after such a long time of suffering during which all you've tried to do was to survive. In those dark and low moments, so many ideas have come up in your mind and you've pushed yourself so hard in order to resist, to pass over it, that you'd deserve a golden medal!

Think of pain and suffering from this perspective: it tested you so many times and at such an intense level, but you're still here! You've survived and think of everything you've learned, of everything you've endured and what a training that was!

Pain is nowhere near comfortable, but it can be extremely nourishing!

Photo by Hadis Safari on Unsplash

Friday, 17 August 2018

Be grateful for what you have! Anything that you might receive, see it as a sign that life chose to make you a gift, that life chose to reward you.

Receive with a fully opened heart any person or thing that may appear on your path. Never reject the good that you receive. Never see it as being too little for you. Be grateful and enjoy every little thing, like a walk in the park, like every breath that you have the chance to take in and out...

Never call on what other people have because what they have, what they experience may not be suitable for you. Be content with what you have and want more, but take it one step at a time.

Don't be greedy and take your life as it is...with everything it gives you. Either little, or much, always be grateful for everything!

If you'll work hard and if you'll be consistent, you will receive more. However, anything that may be gifted to you, receive it with opened arms and say "THANK YOU"!

Photo by Nadi Whatisdelirium on Unsplash

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Let the past stay in the past! Stop beating yourself up for what has already happen! Figure out that now, in this present moment, you're in a place which is completely different from the one which your past took place in. There's no point in constantly focusing on something that already has happen, that already has consumed itself.

Now, you're in this new and fresh place, which is the best scene where you can be the main character in your life's play! And the amazing thing about this is that you can produce it as you wish, because what happened in the past is no longer here, with you. You can rewrite your life play's script from the scratch!

Just completely absorb this present moment and fill it with life! Fill it with new and refreshed feelings, that can occupy your mind and soul so much, that nothing, absolutely nothing from the past will matter anymore!

You've chewed enough on the past...does it make sense to keep on torturing yourself like this? Be kind to your soul and set it free from the chains of long gone times. Let the twilight be twilight and focus on this beautiful dawn, filled with hope and numerous opportunities for creating a better life. Take your luggage of lessons from your past teacher and walk towards the warm and comforting light of this beautiful new beginning.

Always stay in the present and let its magic unfold...

Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Be the guardian of your mind! Always defend the gate to your thoughts' world! Give access only to valuable information, to happy thoughts that make your heart vibrate!

You need quality food for your mind, which you need to keep away from superficialities, fakes and trash. Always fill your mind  with abundant information about the world we live in, about successful people who've made it in life , so you can get inspired by them.

Don't suffocate it with irrelevant stories about mediocre people, about negative news... Train your mind to only wish for quality content and in order to do this, you have to constantly watch out for every information attempting to go through its gates.

Take care of your mind and help it bloom!

Photo by Henry Hustava on Unsplash

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Be wise and carefully choose the people you let into your life! Carefully and compassionately screen them out, without ever hurting them, but do it with determination. It's OK to let go of some individuals, if your energies are not in balance.

You need people who'll never push you backwards, who are not superficial, who never judge you and who will always encourage every idea you'll share with them.

Invite into your soul those people who are not just making a total mess and are simply going away afterwards. Some people may make mistakes, they will make some mess, but if they're willing to talk about it, to say they're sorry, maybe they deserve another chance.

Hold by the hand only the people who are not all about stealing your energy and time, but who are also willing to give you their energy and their time.

Be careful who you let into your tribe!

Photo by Eric Nopanen on Unsplash

Monday, 13 August 2018

Don't force yourself to hide what you're feeling! Don't put a pause on your life just because others don't agree with it!

You are what you are and you're living what you have to live because this might be exactly what you need. There is a reason why you're going through certain moments in your life. There is a reason why some people are still wondering through your life. There is a reason why some thoughts keep on coming into your head.

There are some lessons to be learned from everything you live, from every person who keeps staying in your life, from every single thought that stubbornly wants to occupy your mind. Some of them might require you to act on them and some you might need to completely erase from your head.

Some people you might need to keep in your life and some you might need to just let them alone, once you've learned your lesson from them, which, most of the time, is how to forgive. So forgive them for anything they might have done wrong and continue your life without them.

Everything happens for a reason, so don't rush into changing your life's script and just let things flow. Sometimes, this is the best option...

Photo by Khushal Sharma on Unsplash

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Never give up! If you feel that what you want to do is the right thing for you, keep moving forward and don't allow any obstacle to stop you!

Don't allow any external noise to damp down the enthusiasm fire burning within and get yourself out of the fear cage! Keep fighting to get whatever it is that you desire and never let anybody discourage you!

If you felt like doing something in a certain direction, towards a certain goal, it means that your heart said so because it needs you to make it become a reality...YOUR reality! Better said, it means that your entire being needs you to reach that goal's destination.

Therefore, listen to yourself and never ignore what you wish and dream about doing! Fight for it and make it happen! You deserve to live exactly as you dream!

Photo by Matt Duncan on Unsplash

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Never be afraid to say "No", if that is what your heart feels! It makes no sense to force yourself doing certain things just for the sake of not upsetting those around you.

First and foremost, you are living for yourself and how you do it should make YOU feel good and at peace. This is how afterwards you'll be able to properly interact with others.

If your heart feels tensed when you push yourself into saying "Yes", even though you don't want to, then you should see it as a clear alarming sign that your whole system's giving you.

Therefore, act as you feel and stop dancing on other people's music! Put on your favorite jams and move in your own way! Be yourself, with all your Nos and Yeses!

Photo by Ian Froome on Unsplash

Friday, 10 August 2018

Stop comparing yourself with others! It makes no sense at all because you are different and special in your own way! There is nobody like you out there, in this big and fascinating world!

You are the main character in your own movie and nobody would be better for this part, but YOU!

You were built to look in a certain way, in a unique way and with a particular way of vibrating through this wonderful trip called life. Comparing yourself with other people is completely wrong and senseless!

In fact, this is the beauty of life: each of us bring a unique and special energy wherever we go and nobody could do it like us because it is our task to accomplish: being who we truly are, in our unique way, without comparing ourselves with others. It would be completely boring if everybody would look and act in the same way.

Therefore, celebrate your uniqueness and give up comparing yourself with others!

Photo by Oliver Sjöström on Unsplash

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Never put your frustration on somebody else's back! Don't let one single low moment make you become a source of tension, nerves, fury...negative energy.

Take care of your own cracks, without involving other people! Those around you should never have to carry the garbage you're trying to get rid of.

You have to cleanse yourself on your own and you have to do it without touching those around you. Ask for help, but never expect others to solve your issues.

Clean your soul, but never throw dirt on others!

Photo by Helena Cook on Unsplash

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

In any given moment, you can change, you can create yourself! In fact, this is how you were made, with an amazing ability of shaping yourself as you wish.

You can't run from this! However, you can ignore it and this is how you can end up not enjoying life to the fullest.

Don't look away the power of creating yourself! Use it to the maximum, take full advantage of the end, this is why you've been gifted with it.

Always remember fact, think of it like a brain tattoo: YOU CAN CREATE YOURSELF EXACTLY AS YOU WISH!

Photo by Amy Treasure on Unsplash

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

In everything you do, put mountains of passion and patience! Even in the things that seem insignificant, like doing your bed in the morning or washing the them with mastery, give them your time in order to reach the best outcomes.

When you're doing something good and well, you're basically serving your soul a delicious cocktail of contentment, satisfaction and hope that it's completely worth it to keep on traveling through life!

Therefore, put all your heart in everything you do!


Photo by Bobby Johnson on Unsplash

Monday, 6 August 2018

Always take care of your soul's peace!

Do not allow any chaotic moment to disturb your balanced rhythm!

There will be many times when a simple decision will make all the difference between you, the calm one, who is completely at peace with his inner self, and you, the one who uncontrollably reacts at other people's noise. Be wise and always put your peace first!

Take great care of your inner ease! Treat it like the most valuable treasure you'd have! But want to know a secret? Your peace is indeed the most precious possession you have. So treat it like so and avoid anything that doesn't identify with it. And don't feel bad if you'll have to say "No" more often. It's all part of this healthy process through which you're becoming the version of yourself.

So never put aside your ease! Treat yourself like royalty because you fully and undeniably deserve it!

Sunday, 5 August 2018

You are powerful and you don't even know it!

Thee will be moments in your life when you'll feel like giving up fighting because you'll get a sense that there is no more power left within you, but you are completely wrong! The power, the strength to carry on with this life is within you, somewhere in there and it constantly burns.

You are strong enough to continue living and get over any adversity! You are strong enough to forgive those who've failed you and move forward! You got the power!

So come on! Shake yourself up and keep on traveling in this wonderful adventure which is your very own existence!

Life goes you go with it!

You got the power!

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

Video from Gorillaz:

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Why would you ever want to give up on yourself? Why would you ever want to stop taking care of yourself?

You should always value your body because it is your soul's house and you need to take good care of it! You need to look out for any crack in its roof, so that storm cannot enter, you need to look out for any missing part of its fence, so that no unwanted guest can come in. You need to guard your soul against any bad energy and you do this by carrying as much as you can about your body and mind.

Never let yourself believe that it's not worth it to take care of yourself! You are not superficial if you'll select what you put in your mouth, but also in your head. Feed yourself with healthy foods and healthy ideas!

Always guard the entrance to your soul and allow access only to those things which nurture it! Always take good care of yourself!

Your soul is your most valuable treasure

Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash

Video from Tracy Chapman:

Friday, 3 August 2018

Don't lose your head! It's not worth it to react to others' noise!

When you hear the external noise, just let it be heard, but never let it reach your ears! Those sounds, shaped as other people's comments and opinions, are solely aiming to make you react, to make you play their chaotic game. Don't let them fool you and don't give them any value!

Wash your soul of any dirt that such noise might bring along and always remember that you are far more powerful than those malicious sounds! Train your ears to hear only that which calms your soul and pushes you forward in this magical trip, called life!

Don't loose yourself in others' so-called advice! The only sound that truly matters is YOURS!

Listen to the sounds that soothe your soul!

Photo by William Krause on Unsplash

Video from the amazing Ben L'Oncle Soul: 

Thursday, 2 August 2018

In any given moment you can rise up out of the swamp!

And when you're down there, don't let your eyes look down, at the ground! Look upwards and think about the fact that you still are...that you still exist. You are here and there must be a reason for this.

Maybe you won't find out what that reason is immediately, but traveling through life until you do, is worth all the effort!

Therefore, rise up and continue living because there is still something waiting for you out there, somewhere!

Rise up...over and over again!

Photo by Bryan Minear on Unsplash

Video from Andra Day :

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

When you feel that you can't go on anymore because life seems to difficult for you, just stop!

Simply put aside anything you're doing and sit still! Breathe deeply and just be with yourself!

Put a hand on your heart and feel it beat! Despite all the frustration that you feel because life seems unfair and worthless, your little heart continues to do the job she knows keep you alive.

You are alive! You are here, in this exact moment and, man, how lucky you are to just have the chance...TO BE!

Healing sounds for your wonderful soul!

Photo by Leon Bublitz on Unsplash

Video from Xavier Rudd :