How to deal with a bad feeling

In just a moment, your whole mood can change. It happened to me, so I’m talking from my own experience.
The other day, I had this feeling, a really suffocating one, that I am lost and suddenly…I started to cry. Why? I have no idea, but I just let those tears go down my cheeks. I thought to myself that my system needs this, so I cried.
I felt like this feeling was wondering around me, going in all corners and even showing its face through the window of my eyes, like the heavy tears that felt like they were making a duct on my complexion. However, I didn’t fight it, I just let it be.
My hand was trembling, while trying to hold a cup of tea. It amazed me, but I said to myself that it’s just a symptom and I’ll let it do its show. I didn’t judge, I didn’t label it, I didn’t even try to give it a name.
Something quite interesting happens when you let a bad feeling happen, when you just let it be. It is even better when you notice the observer’s position that you’re in because you don’t give it power by trying to inhibit it, you just step away and look at what it can do while you just give it the impression that you’re not paying attention. But you do…
Behind the courtain of wisdom you look at it, completely in control and not letting yourself act, as this bad feeling can have various ways of making you react in your disadvantage. You are in complete control!
As it wonders and wonders, searching for a reaction from your part, this bad feeling begins to get bored. This happens because it can’t nurture itself, as you’re not reacting to it, you’re just observing it. And so it starts to fade until it no longer has power over your inner kingdom. In fact, you are the only king or queen of your empire!
So let those bad feelings happen, without reacting towards them! Just observe them and witness the magic!
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