Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Never let yourself believe that what you are living is senseless! Each moment you go through, each moment you get to experience makes sense because it pushes you one step forward in your evolution process.

No matter what you get to live, either good or bad, you will have the chance to learn a valuable lesson. Therefore, never condemn what you get to live, as life is filled with important knowledge. In order to see this, you have to open your eyes...you have to unbox your mind!

Photo by Nguyen Mei on Unsplash

Monday, 30 July 2018

In any low moment, always return to yourself!

Never betray your unique essence just to receive others' approval! Those who truly see you, those who truly feel you, will accept and respect you and they will never ask you to give up on your truest self!

Those who are meant to stay in your life will celebrate your unique way of vibrating and your way of living your life! Never leave yourself aside for anything and anybody!

Photo by Spencer Watson on Unsplash

Friday, 27 July 2018

You should never beat yourself up for others' misery!

They should be the only ones to clean it up because you are not their servant...you could maybe be a guide in showing them how to get to a better place, but just this.

You don't have to carry their heavy baggage loaded with frustration and negativity!

You just have to mind yourself and only yourself!

Photo by Iyan Kurnia on Unsplash

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

When you're in the middle of a storm, never rush into making a decision!

Go into your heart and let your sorrow rain. Just watch it and do not react to it! Let it pass and only when it's over, make a decision, if you still feel like it.

After your storm has passed, chances are that you'll see things in a totally different shade. Never rush into making a decision when you're in chaos...sleep on it and then look into your soul. If you'll still feel like a change should be made, then do it, but only if you truly feel it.

Decisions are important tools we have at our disposal and they can really help us move forward, but only when we make them with a rested soul.

Never rush a decision!

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

When you feel like you're losing purpose and meaning, do not panic...it's just a phase that will eventually pass.

If you really know what you want to do in this trip called life and you haven't reached your destination yet, this doesn't mean that you have to sit and wait for that moment to come where you'll be able to actually do what truly makes you vibrate. Don't avoid life just because it's not as you wished it to be yet!

Move through life, get a job, even if it's not in the field that you want, but take it and look at it like a stone which you'll pave your path with, towards the place where you really want to be

Keep yourself in motion and never stop! Even if you fail, get back up and start all over, from scratch! Have faith that you have an important place in this world and that you have a purpose that will not come out on its own. You have to move towards it by any means, even though these means might seem worthless in the beginning.

Keep doing and you will eventually reach your destination!

Photo by Jake Hills on Unsplash

Monday, 23 July 2018

When you feel like the day is simply not working and nothing seems to turn around...just breath! This too shall pass!

When you're about to go to bed, just laugh this day off and proud yourself in the fact that you have won! This bad day has passed, but you are still here!

Moreover, you've also got a lesson out of it. Just be grateful and let this day go...

Photo by Ben Sweet on Unsplash

Sunday, 22 July 2018

When you have an aching soul because something's missing in your life, just feel what you have to feel and try, by all means, to believe that this pain is here to heal you.

Don't let it dominate you, though! Just take it as it is and let it happen.

At some point it will consume itself, just like a candle burning out...

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Saturday, 21 July 2018

Stop trying to explain yourself in front of others!

Stop creating scenarios for others to approve! The way you speak, the way you behave are your own traits and others have no business in commenting on them.

However, if they do, it doesn't have to concern you at all! Just stick to yourself!

Photo by prottoy hassan on Unsplash

Friday, 20 July 2018

Be happy and don't you ever feel bad about it!

Don't let your happiness be darkened by any feeling of guilt because others choose to comment on it.

So what if you haven't been happy in a long time? Now you are, so enjoy it and never feel bad about it!

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Thursday, 19 July 2018

No one owes you anything!

Stop trying to ask for explanations from people around you, about where you are now, in your life.

You and only you are creating what you are living! You are in charge!

Photo by Anthony Tori on Unsplash

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Take care of your energy and don't worry about others' storm!

Your clear blue sky has no space for others' clouds. Just create around you a positive energy shield and never allow nothing and nobody to shake you!

Protect your soul!

Photo by Richard Jaimes on Unsplash

Monday, 16 July 2018

Don't try to make order out of chaos! Even if you get to clear it up, it will become chaotic again.

Just be a spectator to everything it has to offer, but don't try to change it! Find the lessons you need in it and simply let it happen, let it consume itself...let it pass!

Sometimes...we need some chaos in our lives.

Photo by Dharm Singh on Unsplash

Friday, 13 July 2018

At any moment and in every situation, receive with arms wide opened, anything that life offers you.

Never underestimate the gifts you're graced with!

Never underestimate the people you get to meet! They can be your greatest teachers.

Photo by Khushal Sharma on Unsplash

Monday, 9 July 2018

What gives you the entitlement to even think that you won't be well?

This is what you were saying also some 3 years ago: "I won't make it..this is too hard". But look at you now...you're still here, standing tall and living life in the best way you know and it's OK! It's more than enough!

Never underestimate life! It can surprise you in ways that you can't even imagine!

Photo by Wang Xi on Unsplash

Friday, 6 July 2018

Come on, hang in there! Take a deep breath and feel the magic taking place all around you.

Don't get bogged down with just a bump in your road! You can get over it because you have a ton of resources to do so. Use everything within you and keep on living!

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Never let the outside noise touch your heart! Don't mock your balanced and relaxed essence! It makes no sense to try to figure out what is up with the outside chaos. Just stay with you and only for you!

Photo by Isaiah Rustad on Unsplash